04 January 2007


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,

Inshallah I will be posting lectures of Imam Anwar al-Awlaki on this blog. If you do not know about him then he is a great scholar who is well 
known for his great speeches among the english speaking Muslims. 

You can find more info about him at 



Bilal said...

The real scholars of today are not defended by the Muslims, but the scholars who desire fame and desire the wealth and secrity of this world will have the portion coming

Unknown said...

Your right,

The true scholars are the ones who are targeted and stopped for speaking the truth. They are under the protecion of Allah.
Shiekh Anwar is one of them, inshallah.

Fi amanillah

Kina said...

Jazakallah khair for these wonderfull lectures..Imam Anwar Al Awlaki is a big fan of mine..May Allah grant him Janathul Firdaus and be amoung the highest of companions of the Prohpet..Ameen

Ashraff Ali Jawfer said...

Assalamu Alykum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathu!!

Dear Brother,

U r bloggin is the best since u r having one of the best lectures !!!!

May Allah Grant the Imam Jennathul Firdhouse.. Insha Allah!